Don’t Let Ankle Pain Slow You Down

Learn more about ankle pain, how to treat it and when to seek professional care.

It should go without saying that if you are dealing with ankle pain, it isn’t something that you should ignore. Whether you noticed it while walking off the field after a game or noticed that the pain has been getting gradually worse over time, it’s important that you turn to your podiatrist to get some answers.

What are some common causes of ankle pain?

An injury to the muscles, bones, and ligaments of the ankle is usually the most common cause of pain. Other causes include,

  • Broken ankle/foot
  • Bursitis
  • Gout
  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Achilles tendon rupture
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Stress fracture
  • Sprained ankle

When should I see a doctor?

Even minor issues that may go away on their own may first present with pain. While trying at-home remedies and care to help alleviate your pain is often a great first step, it’s important that you seek immediate care from your foot doctor if you have,

  • Severe pain or swelling
  • A severe malformation or deformity
  • Open wound
  • Cannot bear weight on your foot
  • Notice that the foot is red, warm, or tender to the touch, or you have a high fever (these are all signs of infection)
  • You have ankle pain or other symptoms, and you have diabetes

While you won’t need immediate attention you will still want to come in for care if you experience ankle swelling that doesn’t go away after several days of at-home treatments or ankle pain that hasn’t gotten better within a week of rest and home care.

How is ankle pain treated?

When you turn to a podiatrist, they will perform a physical examination and run imaging tests to diagnose the cause of your ankle pain. Your diagnosis will also help us determine your treatment plan. Of course, many patients that are only dealing with minor issues can often eliminate their symptoms with these self-care options,

  • Resting
  • Avoiding certain activities
  • Icing the ankle
  • Wearing compression bandages
  • Elevating the foot and ankle above your heart
  • Taking over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen

Experiencing ankle pain isn’t normal. If you are experiencing new or worsening ankle pain, or pain resulting from an injury, it’s best to turn to a podiatrist as soon as possible for care.

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